Thursday 1 August 2019

My Suggestion to Improve the Course 

In the year of 2018 after taking the SPM, I had graduated from my secondary school and continue with my studies in UCSI University. Since I am in love with physics, when studying in university,I took a diploma in Electrical and Electronic Engineering course with a duration of two years and four months. So now,there are some suggestions for me to share to improve the course.

First of all, I would like to say that, it is plausible for the university to improve the teaching and the learning practices. In the class ,it is a must to give more practical and topical exercises to the students so that they can clearly understand about the topic,but not having a blur mind to learn on it. Then,in my opinion, when having any discussion about the practical questions in the class,I could think that the lecturers should spend more time on giving  more explanation about the practical questions to students so that it become a cinch to the students to understand the reading print outs. In the class, the learning resources such as lecture note that display on the screen or playing a video to explain the topic should be encouraged to be done so that the class will be interesting enough, and it can also avoid the students to have a boring mind to learn!

Next,in my opinion, the suggestions for the university is to improve the quality of learning equipment and resources. In today's life since technology roles the world, the university should be upgrading and updating the facilities, technology and texts to meet current requirements. In the electrical laboratory, the responsibility of the university should take role to repair the  equipment that can't be function properly. If there is no improvement for the equipment, the students can't  complete the experiment well and it can't hand in work on time. For another example, the computer in the lab were slow and old. This will engender the students to the threshold of procrastination of work,and they will lost their mood on doing assignment, moreover to further their course.

UCSI University is good enough to provide the facilities and learning experience to every student. With these suggestions,hope the course will become better can bring the maximum benefit to the students.

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